“Thank you for taking the time for me, Bo.”
"That’s what I came here to do. We are moving back to the next level. All the signs are here. We want to bring other people with us. We need more people. We need you. Now, what did you want to ask about?”
“They came for me.”
“They did? When?”
“Last year.”
“What happened?”
“There was a bright light outside my window. A loud hum. I was in bed, sleeping. I woke up and I looked out the window. There was a space ship! It was spinning! It was beautiful!”
“Did they communicate with you?”
“I’m not sure. I know they took me into their craft. When I woke up, I had been gone for days. They did their tests on me.”
“Zuciferians. They abduct humans for genetic experiments. They rob healthy human specimens of their bodies to use as a suit of clothes. They walk among us to cloud our knowledge of the Kingdom of Heaven. They are hiding the truth from us.”
“But Bo – ”
“Don’t worry Julia. We will teach you how to be born into the Level Above Human. We are non-mammalian and we are not Zuciferians. You have nothing to fear.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You will. We will teach you if you join us.”
“But I came because – ”
“Yes, Gloria?”
“They stole my baby. The space aliens stole my baby. I was pregnant. When I woke up, my baby was gone.”
“Don’t cry, Gloria, don’t cry. We will help you.”
“You believe me?”
“Of course I believe you.”
“No one else believes me. Everyone thinks I’m crazy.”
“The father? The baby’s father didn’t believe you?”
“There was no father.”
“You don’t know who the father was?”
“No! It wasn’t like that!”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say – ”
“I know I was pregnant! I was going to have a baby! No one believes me! I know I was! I was so happy. I’d never been so fulfilled. I was going to be a mother! And then the aliens came and stole my baby! Can you get my baby back for me, Bo? Can you help me?”
“Gloria, I – ”
“Please, Bo. Please tell me you’ll take me to them so I can find my baby!”
“Take my hand, Gloria. Look into my eyes. Listen to me: Everything will be possible in the Kingdom of Heaven, Gloria.”
“Will I find my baby? I will go with them if I have to. Did you say they were Zuciferians? Will you find them for me? Please, Bo, please find them. Please find my baby for me. No one else has ever believed me. Please, Bo, please help me.”
“I can help you, Gloria. Stop crying. Will you come with us to Montana and wait for the mother ship?”
“I’ll do anything, Bo, anything.”
“The journey will be long and hard.”
“I can do it. I will do it.”
“So you will come with us?”
“I knew I was pregnant. I didn’t tell anyone. After they took the baby, no one believed me. They thought I was crazy! But you believe me, Bo! You believe me! Of course I’ll come with you.”
“This is the final fight for Earth’s spoils. We must triumph over the Zuciferians. All that is here is illusion. But we need the means to go make the journey.”
“Means? What do you mean?”
“We will build a house to simulate the space ship environment. It will be dark. We will sit quietly inside, practicing for the voyage. A rehearsal. We will strive to eliminate all human desire. Can you contribute?”
“I don’t know – ”
“Do you have a house? Do you have a car?”
“I rent an apartment. I have a car.”
“Do you have savings?”
“I have savings.”
“It will be a long trip to Montana and we have to prepare. The trip into space will be longer. We have to be ready, Gloria.”
“I will be ready. I will contribute. I will do anything I have to do to find the way to my baby.”
“Good, good. Don’t cry. Here. Let me hold you. Let me take you in my arms. There … there.”
“Oh my goodness! Oh! Bo! Bo!”
“What is it? What’s wrong, Gloria?”
“I just had a vision!”
“What did you see?”
“A saint!”
“Which saint?”
“Santa Margarita!”
“I don’t know that saint.”
“She was floating over us! She was blessing us! I saw everything! It was so clear! We were in a big house! A mansion! We were all wearing black! With running shoes! But we weren’t running! We were lying on beds. And we all had purple scarves covering our faces! What’s wrong, Bo? Your eyes are so wide!”
“My eyes are always wide, Gloria, wide open to the infinite mysteries of the universe. This vision of yours: It was a sign.”
“A sign?”
“A sign that you must come with us.”
“I must?”
“You must. Will you? Will you say yes?”
“I must. I will. Yes. I will say yes. Yes.”
“Good. Let’s go back to the others now. They are waiting. It will be a long road to the mother ship.”
“The mother ship.”
We have to be ready.
“The mother ship. I will be ready for the mother ship.”
Dedicated to Michael F.